Sunday, March 1, 2009

Bike... Walk... Public Transportation... Carpool

The data table link in this article shows that 3.6% of NYC residents work from home as of 2005, ranking 20th among US cities. Given that 54.6% take public transportation to work, and 9.4% walk to work, 0.5% bike to work, this leaves 31.9% of NYC workers who take a car to work. Of these, it's not clear what percent car pool. I recall reading that it was about 8% (but the writer didn't say if this is the percent of all commuters or the percent of people who travel by car). So it's either 8% of all commuters or 25% of all commuters... a big difference.

Either way, there's room for improvement, and with the advent of more social networking sites, it is likely to keep growing.

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